Spend your summer making a difference in kids lives!
Enjoy the fun of summer camp while serving in a meaningful way!
Want to make a difference in the lives of children and families? Looking for a new experience this summer? Want to develop new skills and leadership abilities? Consider serving in a volunteer or staff role with us at Whispering Pines!
We have a space where you can shine!
We’re always looking for fun-loving, energetic, Godly volunteers and staff to be a part of our summer camp programs! Whether you are supporting a cabin leader, or running adventure equipment and activities there plenty of opportunities for hands-on serving at camp.

You can also volunteer to help in a behind-the-scenes role with projects such as painting, grounds keeping, helping in the kitchen, cleaning, being “Camp Grandma and Grandpa”, serving as camp nurse, or in whatever area you feel comfortable.
Whatever your comfort level and ability, we want you to join us for an unforgettable experience where you have the opportunity to touch the lives of some amazing kids and families!
Please note: Our paid staff positions with the exception of Head Cook and Camp Speakers are only available for applicants from 16-30 years of age.
Available Positions
Camp Speakers
Speaking at camp is a tremendous opportunity to be able to open God’s word and show campers and staff what it means to put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and live out their Christian faith among their families and peers. You will have the opportunity to answer tough questions about faith and share the Gospel with campers who may never have the chance to hear the gospel in a regular church environment. You will also have the chance to impact many young leaders on our staff team and be a part of what God is doing in their lives to build up His kingdom.
Typical Honorarium: $200/day of the camp(s) you select
Program Director
The Program Directors work directly with the Executive Director to ensure all the elements of the summer programs are fully prepared, communicated, and executed well. You will also have the opportunity to provide leadership to the team of staff and volunteers spiritually and organizationally as well as during staff meetings. Your responsibilities will include selecting and arranging supplies for camp activities, scheduling the staff and volunteers during camps to ensure the programs are successful and the staff can get some rest, and being the on-site point person to handle situations surrounding staffing, scheduling, and programming during summer camps.
Start date: May 4th
End date: August 16th
Expected wage: $18/hr (before taxes)
Ask about our Spring Intern opportunities.
Head Cabin Leaders
As a Head Cabin Leader your role is to support the staff who are working directly with campers in their cabins, and to mentor and lead our team of LIT’s and volunteers. This may look like stepping in for a leader who just needs a break or spending some time with a staff member who needs some prayer. You will also be directly leading our LIT students as they learn what it means to know and love Jesus and serve as part of the camp team.
Start date: June 2nd
End date: August 16th
Expected wage: $18/hr (before taxes)
Ask about our Spring Intern opportunities.
Cabin Leaders
As a Cabin Leader you will have the opportunity to make a unique and lasting impact on the lives of our campers. You will act as a leader and role model for the campers in your cabin, sharing God’s love for them through your words and actions. Your job will also include participating in all the activities of the camp and mentoring LIT students and volunteers.
Start date: June 30th
End date: August 16th
Expected wage: $15.50/hr (before taxes)
Head Cooks
People will come to camp once for cool activities, but they will come back for life if you give them great food. If you have a passion for cooking and creating great, healthy, home-cooked style food then you will be a great fit for this position. Previous experience purchasing and preparing meals for groups from 50-90 is recommended, but if you’re willing to give it a shot we are too.
Expected payment: $200 per day of the camp you select.
Kitchen Helpers
If you love to cook and provide hospitality then you will enjoy being a part of our kitchen team. Good food, full bellies, and your friends around you are three important parts of every good camp memory. Your responsibilities will include helping to prepare and serve meals and snacks, helping the dish crews, and cleaning in the kitchen and dining hall.
Start date: June 30th
End date: August 16th
Expected wage: $15.50/hr (before taxes)
Head of Maintenance and Activities
As Head of Maintenance and Activities you will be leading a team of staff and volunteers to set up and run the activity stations, and care for the facilities and grounds during camps. We will train you in every task you will need to perform and provide a safe working environment. You will work alongside the Executive Director, Program Director, and other staff to provide an awesome experience for campers this summer. Our maintenance team starts one month earlier than the rest of our staff to help ensure the facility is ready for camp and assist various spring guest groups during their bookings.
Start date: May 4th
End date: August 16th
Expected wage: $18/hr (before taxes)
Maintenance and Activity Leaders
The Maintenance and Activity Team is responsible for setup and care of activity stations and gear, as well as keeping the main facility clean and welcoming during the summer. You also have the opportunity to work alongside and mentor some of our LIT students. You will be working directly with the Head of Maintenance and the Program Directors to help keep the program running smoothly.
Start date: June 30th
End date: August 16th
Expected wage: $15.50/hr (before taxes)
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:35 (ESV)
Apply here to be a part of our team this summer!

You have an opportunity during even a short time serving at summer camp, to make a HUGE impact on our campers, families, and staff! By showing genuine and intentional interest, attention, and care for campers you let them know that God loves them and that they matter, and by supporting our staff yoyu are helping raise up the next generation of leaders in our community.
What an incredible and significant job it is to Volunteer in a Leadership position with us! You don’t have to be experienced to apply, only to be willing to share your attention, kindness, and God’s love with those around you. We’ll teach you the rest.